Legge 124 del 4 agosto 2017
(Art. 1 c. 125-129)
Tipologia contributi 2018:
- da enti pubblici (400€)
- 5% per mille (3008,20€)
- da altri (12700,00€)
The International Award Daniele Po has been instituted for will of Nedda and Fortunato Po, founders of the association Onlus “le Case degli Angeli di Daniele nel mondo” to pay homage to commemorate the son through an identification also onerous to a person that, nationally or internationally, has been distinguished for the defense of human rights, and the exaltation of all the values that are fundamental to build a peaceful civilization.
History of awards:
In date 6 April 2014 into the association “le Case degli Angeli di Daniele” Onlus, arise the project UN.VI.NU. (University of Life for a new Humanity) that included the International Award Daniele Po in the program of every academic year.
